Green Infrastructure:
Save Money and Deliver Local Benefits
Stormwater Solutions for New Jersey | July 2020
New Jersey’s water infrastructure systems often experience stormwater overflow, referred to as Combined Sewer Overflow, which put communities at risk due to pollution and flooding. This study looks into how green Infrastructure can be part of the solution for these communities.
How can green infrastructure help New Jersey, learn more from the Sewage Free Streets and Rivers campaign.
Green infrastructure is a cost-effective solution from a capital to operations and maintenance perspective, it includes practices that use (or mimic) natural processes that slow down and reduce the amount of stormwater flowing into drains. Agencies across the country are seeing positive results, both environmentally and financially, when properly installing and maintaining green infrastructure in their communities. For instance, in Camden, New Jersey green infrastructure projects are estimated to capture around 125 million gallons of stormwater per year.
Harrison TIDE Planting with Kids
Photo Credit New Jersey Future
Green Infrastructure…
is a cost-effective solution for combined sewer overflows since they store more gallons of stormwater per dollar invested than gray infrastructure.
supports emissions reductions and utility energy bill savings by reducing the burden on centralized systems.
creates jobs and local economic development by driving indirect and induced spending and support to important industry sectors, ranging from retail to manufacturing.
supports adaptation and resilience, particularly in stormwater management by supporting ancillary climate resilience benefits such as urban heat island mitigation and sea-level rise adaptation.
The Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers Campaign is informing and connecting local communities, organizations, permit holders, and policymakers as they consider solutions for managing stormwater-related flooding and sewage impacts.
This project was completed in partnership with the Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers Campaign, with funding support from The Kresge Foundation.
Suggested Citation Molden, O., Schmidt, R., Wildish, J., Golding, W. 2020. Green Infrastructure: Save Money and Deliver Local Benefits, Stormwater Solutions for New Jersey. Earth Economics and Sewage-Free Streets and Rivers Campaign. Tacoma, WA.