
Connect with ken

Phone: (253) 539-4801


Drawing on more than 35 years of hands-on knowledge of regenerative practices in farms and forests of both North and South America, Ken leverages a variety of geospatial and statistical methods to assess relationships between ecosystems and the communities they sustain. He studied Ecological Economics under Herman Daly and Robert Constanza at the University of Maryland. As Earth Economics’ Research Principal, Ken coordinates our research and GIS teams.

When he isn’t working, he enjoys playing with his pup Lucy, reading science fiction, and travel.

REcent work

Thriving Open Spaces Support Healthy Economies: Nature’s Value in Santa Barbara County.” Prepared for The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA (2024)

“Managing Forests for Source Water Protection: Alternative Watershed Futures.” Prepared for Conservation Northwest. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA (2024)

Accounting for Nature’s Value with Rangeland Conservation Practices in the Western Range and Irrigated Region.” Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA (2024)

Expanding FEMA’s Benefit Cost Analysis: Chittenden Living Shoreline Case Study.” Earth Economics and Save the Sound (2023)

The Next Generation of Schoolyards: Lessons from the Watershed Discovery Campus,” Earth Economics and Amigos de los Rios (2023)

Response to the Office of Management and Budget’s Draft Guidance for Assessing Changes in Environmental and Ecosystem Services in Benefit-Cost Analysis,” Earth Economics (2023)

Response to the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s proposed Federal Strategic Plan on Statistics for Environmental-Economic Decisions,” Earth Economics (2023)

Benefit-Cost Analysis of Best Management Practices in the Blue River Watershed of Oklahoma,” Earth Economics and The Nature Conservancy - Oklahoma (2022)

Nature’s Value in Island County: Identifying the Economics Behind a Healthy Puget Sound,” Earth Economics (2022)

Nature’s Value in the Salish Sea: Non-market Benefits and Human Wellbeing,” Earth Economics (2022)

Outdoor Recreation on State Lands in Washington: What Mobile Device Data Reveal About Visitation,” Earth Economics (2022)

Accounting for Environmental Change: A Modernized Approach to Benefit-Cost Analysis on the Upper Mississippi River,” Earth Economics (2019)

Ecosystem Services Valuation of the Keweenaw Peninsula,” Earth Economics (2019)

From Environmental Scarcity to Ecological Security: Exploring New Limits to Growth. (co-editor) MIT Press. Cambridge, MA


Ph.D. Environmental Politics
University of Maryland | College Park, MD

M.A. Political Economy
University of Maryland | College Park, MD

B.A. Political Science
University of Washington | Seattle, WA

B.A. Ecological Agriculture
The Evergreen State College | Olympia, WA

Certificate in Geographic Information Systems
University of Washington | Seattle, WA