Restoring the Duckabush Estuary

Restoring the Duckabush Estuary

In December, WDFW signed a partnership agreement with the USACE, establishing cost-sharing and implementation responsibilities for restoring the Duckabush Estuary. In 2023, we estimated the total value of the ecosystems protected and restored at $249.6M over 100 years, generating 449 local jobs. Restoring connectivity in the estuary will support an 400,000 additional salmon.

The Network for Engineering with Nature

The Network for Engineering with Nature

Earth Economics has been invited to join the US Army Corps of Engineer’s (USACE) Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN). Established in 2019, N-EWN is a nationwide interdisciplinary community of public agencies, academic institutions, private firms, and non-profit groups working together to advance the adoption of nature-based solutions.

Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit

Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit

Our senior research analyst, Carson Risner, will be attending the 2024 Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit this week, December 5-7th. The event is organized and hosted by the Oregon Trails Coalition, whose mission is to support, promote, and advocate for the preservation, development, and stewardship of a statewide network of sustainable trails.

10 Years with The Kresge Foundation

10 Years with The Kresge Foundation

The generous support of the Kresge Foundation has enabled Earth Economics to provide federal agencies, municipalities, utilities, community-based organizations, and other non-profit groups with applied ecological economic analysis, tools, support, and policy advocacy since 2013.

Ecological Economics support for federal agencies

Ecological Economics support for federal agencies

Earth Economics is the newest member of the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit. CESUs provide research, technical assistance, and education to federal land management, environmental, and research agencies and their partners. Members from biological, physical, social, cultural, and engineering disciplines provide the expertise needed to address natural and cultural resource management issues at multiple landscape scales.

Growing Green Infrastructure with FEMA

Growing Green Infrastructure with FEMA

Glen Delaney and Carson Risner recently presented to the Green Infrastructure Federal Collaborative, a quarterly gathering of federal agency staff and mid-level managers who are experts on green infrastructure and larger nature-based solutions.

Ecosystem Services Supported by Land Trusts

Ecosystem Services Supported by Land Trusts

In 2023, the Land Trust Alliance partnered with Earth Economics to develop the Ecosystem Services Valuation Tool (ESVT), an accessible tool that can be used by land trusts to provide high-level estimates of the value of co-benefits generated by the lands they steward.