Corrine Armistead | 05.16.18
Longer days and sunny skies mean it’s not only time for outdoor adventures but also for Earth Economics’ summer internship program! This summer we are fortunate to have interns supporting a range of projects, from assessing expenditures of whale watchers to mapping barriers along salmon streams to researching investments in community health.
The goal is to provide interns with a glimpse into our work – applications of ecological economics to decision making, planning, and community engagement. By involving interns in our project work, we strive to create an environment where students and recent grads can engage in the process of valuing nature outside of the classroom. We hope that this will lead to continued interest and new ideas in the growing field of ecological economics.
Our internship program matches students directly with a member of our program staff. These project leads work in various focus areas and geographies, making each internship unique and tailored towards students’ academic and personal interests. Reflecting back, this is what I loved about my own internship experience at Earth Economics. The opportunity to explore new, complex concepts with strong links to my interests in rivers, dams, and recreation made the projects tangible and impactful.
Every member of our team has arrived at Earth Economics with unique skills and motivations, coming together to work towards a future where nature and communities thrive together. Similarly, we are excited to learn from the students joining us this summer, as they bring new perspective to our work. We look forward to and appreciate the forthcoming contribution of our 2018 summer interns! Check back for more updates in the coming month. We are in the final stages of interviewing and will be kicking off internships in mid-June.