Earth Economics with the Water Wise Gulf South Collective recently published an update to The Benefits of Community-Driven Green Infrastructure report, first published in 2021. The report acts as a technical supplement for the associated updated fact sheet. Updates to the study include new community-gathered data on completed projects that also include three new Water Wise neighborhoods. Building on updates to Earth Economics tools and analyses, the expanded valuation covers aesthetic, avoided carbon dioxide emissions, avoided stormwater management carbon sequestration, flood regulation, habitat, reduced heat exposure, climate stability and noise reduction benefits from green infrastructure projects.
Analysis of data gathered from Water Wise Gulf South (WWGS) in partnership with the Greater Tremé Consortium (Water Wise Tremé), Healthy Community Services (Water Wise 7th Ward), and Upper 9th Ward Bunny Friend Neighborhood Association (Water Wise Upper 9th Ward), Hollygrove-Dixon Neighborhood Association, New Orleans East Green Infrastructure Collective, and the Lower 9th Ward Homeownership Association finds that these community groups have planted over 770 trees, installed 146 rain barrels, and implemented over 113 other green infrastructure projects since 2013. Other projects include rain gardens, concrete removal, French drains, rain barrels, stormwater planter boxes, pervious pavement, and bioswales. These projects have added more than 189,000 gallons of stormwater retention capacity to areas of New Orleans which are frequently flooded. Earth Economics valuation finds that these projects provide $19.3 million in ecosystem services benefits each year.