Thriving Open Spaces Support Healthy Economies: Nature’s Value in Santa Barbara County
The Benefits of Green Infrastructure in central Ohio (Franklin County)
Response to USACE Implementing Procedures for Principles, Requirements, and Guidelines
Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Oregon: 2022 update
The Value of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Washington, DC
Community-Designed Waterfront Green Space For The South Bronx
Climate Change And Healing The Legacies Of War
The Value Of Restoring Forested Wetlands in East Central Louisiana
The Benefits Of Green Infrastructure For Affordable Housing in Yonkers, NY
The Next Generation of Schoolyards: Lessons from the Watershed Discovery Campus (factsheet)
The Next Generation of Schoolyards: Lessons from the Watershed Discovery Campus
Accounting For Nature In FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Program
Natural Capital of the Elephant Hill Wildfire Area
Resiliency Hubs For Participatory Disaster Preparedness
The Economic impacts of Climate Change in Florida's Rural Areas: Agriculture
The Value of Protecting and Restoring the Duckabush Estuary
The Economic benefits of natural climate solutions in Minnesota
The Economic benefits of natural climate solutions in Minnesota (fact sheet)
Best Management Practices for Oklahoma’s Blue River Watershed
Green Infrastructure for the Atlanta University Center
Outdoor Recreation on State Lands in Washington: What Mobile Device Data Reveal About Visitation
Cultivating Cultural and Environmental Value: Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden
Nature’s Value in the Salish Sea Basin
Nature’s Value in Island County
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Best Management Practices in the Blue River Watershed of Oklahoma
Economic impact of Hipcamp Properties: Nevada County, California
Expanding the role of nature-based solutions in FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs
Environmental and historic preservation primer for nature-based hazard mitigation
ARLA’s Safe Clean Water Program Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool Manual
Mapping values at risk in national forests
Unlocking FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Funding for Coral Reef Restoration
The Economic Impacts of climate change in Florida's rural areas: Tourism
The Economic Impact of Restoring the Big Quilcene River Floodplain
Economic Analysis of the Lake Chelan Golf Course
Surveying Water Utility Climate Adaptation Needs
The Sociocultural Significance of Salmon for Tribes and First Nations
Putting Wetlands to Work for Disaster Recovery
Informe Amicus sobre los impactos de la minería en la región de Intag en Ecuador
Economic Analysis of Washington State Parks
The Benefits of Community-Driven Green Infrastructure
Trust Land Performance Assessment: Non-Market Environmental Benefits And Values
Greater Santa Fe Fireshed: Triple Bottom Line Analysis Of Fuel Treatments
Cost of Wildfire Preparedness and Suppression Activities on ODF-protected Lands in Oregon
Economic Analysis Of Outdoor Recreation In Oregon
Environmental Benefits of Hipcamp Properties: Mendocino County, California
Environmental Benefits of Hipcamp Properties: Riverside County, California
Environmental Benefits of Hipcamp Properties: San Bernardino County, California
Environmental Benefits of Hipcamp Properties: Park County, Colorado
Environmental Benefits of Hipcamp Properties: San Luis Obispo County, California
Environmental Benefits of Hipcamp Properties: Washington County, Utah
The Relationship Between Disaster Recovery And Displacement
Urban Heat Island Analysis: Tacoma, Washington
Urban Heat Island Analysis: Broward County, Florida
The Sociocultural Significance of Salmon for First Tribes and Nations: Phase 1
Urban Heat Island Analysis: Seattle, Washington
Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State: 2020 Update
Green Infrastructure: Save Money and Deliver Local Benefits
Harnessing The Rain For Building Performance: Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse Report
Natural Capital Valuation of Interim Zoning Open Space Parcels: City of South Burlington, Vermont
Finance Mechanisms for the Sustainable Stewardship of Private Forests
The Economic Impact of Greenville County’s Proposed Buffer Expansion: Reedy River Watershed
Getting To Scale: Resources for the Urban Green Infrastructure Labs
Agriculture Capital 2019 Impact Report
(Green) Infrastructure Today for Resilience Tomorrow
Restoring Biscayne Bay and the Economic Value of Rehydrating Coastal Wetlands
Ecosystem Services Valuation of the Keweenaw Peninsula
Economic Assessment of the Hale Parkway
San Juan County Oil Spill Risk & Consequences Assessment
The Costs of Sprawl: The Potential Impacts of Development in Pierce County, Washington
The Whales in Our Waters: The Economic Contribution of Whale Watching in San Juan County
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Future Funding Study
Building Urban Resilience with Nature: A Practitioner’s Guide to Action
Projects to Portfolios: Mainstreaming Large-Scale Investment in Integrated Infrastructure
Go Green: Muni Bond Financing for Consumer Rebates and Other Distributed Water Investments
2018 Field Guide: Outdoor Community Projects
The Food That Grows Out of The Water, The Economic Benefits of Wild Rice in Minnesota
The Natural Value of Forest Park: An Ecosystem Services Valuation of America’s Premier Urban Forest
The Economic Value of Natural Capital in the Santa Cruz Floodplain
The Economic Value of Natural Capital in Panama City's Watersheds and Associated Ecosystems
The Natural Value of Discovery Park, the Public Benefits of Seattle’s Largest Park
Gem of the Emerald Corridor: Nature’s Value in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
The Economic Benefits and Costs of Snow in the Upper Colorado Basin
The Value of Natural Capital in the Columbia River Basin: A Comprehensive Analysis
The Economic Impact of the 2016 Loma Fire
Natural Resources Accounting: A Path Forward for the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Natural Capital Benefits of the San Juan Bay Estuary Watershed
South Platte Watershed Natural Capital Resource Assessment
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Selected Actions from the Thurston Climate Adaptation Plan
The Economic Benefits of the Proposed St. George Unangan Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
Open Space Benefits in the City of El Paso
The Value of Ecosystem Services in Lower Sabino Creek
The Economic Value of Lake Winona and Maumelle Watersheds
Updated Factsheet: Communicating and Investing in Natural Capital Using Water Rate
Basin-Wide Socio-Economic Analysis of Four Proposed Sediment Diversions
National and Regional Economic Analysis of the Four Lower Snake River Dams
Economic Benefits of Trails, Parks, and Open Space in the Mat-Su Borough
The Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation at Washington’s State Parks
The Value of Nature’s Benefits in the St. Louis River Watershed
Open Space Valuation for Central Puget Sound
Environmental and Social Benchmarking Analysis of Nautilus Minerals Inc. Solwara 1 Project
Economic Contribution of Outdoor Recreation to Whatcom County, WA
Beyond Food: The Environmental Benefits of Agriculture in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Economic Analysis of Recreation in Washington State
The Trillion Dollar Asset the Economic Value of the Long Island Sound Basin
Return on Investment Analysis of North Wind's Weir
Nature’s Value in the Colorado River Basin
Natural Defenses from Hurricanes and Floods
Valuing Nearshore Ecosystems in Grays Harbor County
Healthy Lands & Healthy Economies: Nature’s Value in Santa Clara County
Healthy Lands & Healthy Economies: Nature’s Value in Santa Cruz County
Funding Mechanisms for Restoring and Maintaining a Healthy Nisqually Watershed
Using Model Integration to Create Baseline Carbon Budgets in the Snohomish River Basin
Puget Sound: Washington State's Best Investment
Rapid Assessment of the Economic Value of Wisconsin’s Wetlands
The Natural Value of Thurston County: A Rapid Ecosystem Service Valuation
Valuing Nature's Benefits: An Ecological Economic Assessment of Iowa's Middle Cedar Watershed
Communicating and Investing in Natural Capital using Water Rates
Nature’s Value in the McKenzie Watershed: A Rapid Ecosystem Service Valuation
Economic Impact of Metro Parks Tacoma Ecosystem Services: Economic Impact Study Phase II
How Water Utilities Can Spearhead Natural Capital Accounting
The Puyallup River Watershed: An Ecological Economic Characterization
The Economics of Change: Catalyzing the Investment Shift Toward a Restorative Built Environment
Nature's Value in the Skykomish Watershed: A Rapid Ecosystem Service Valuation
Gaining Ground: The Value of Restoring the Mississippi Delta
Flood Protection and Ecosystem Services in the Chehalis River Basin
The Whole Economy of the Snohomish Basin: The Essential Economics of Ecosystem Services
Nature's Value in Qinghai Province, China
Water, Ecosystem Services and Opportunities for Seattle Public Utilities
Valuing the Puget Sound Basin: Revealing Our Best Investments
A New View of Our Economy: Nature's Value in the Snoqualmie Watershed
WRIA 9 (Green/Duwamish River Watershed) Policy Brief #1- Project History
WRIA 9 (Green/Duwamish River Watershed) Policy Brief #2- Funding Need
WRIA 9 (Green/Duwamish River Watershed) Policy Brief #3- Flood Control District Levy Increase
WRIA 9 (Green/Duwamish River Watershed) Policy Brief #4- Assessment/Fee/Tax
WRIA 9 (Green/Duwamish River Watershed) Policy Brief #5- Watershed Investment District
An Ecological Economics Approach to Understanding Oregon's Coastal Economy and Environment
BAN Briefing Paper # 1: The Basel Ban: A Triumph for Global Environmental Justice
BAN Briefing Paper # 2: The US Must Ratify the Entire Basel Convention (or not at all)
BAN Briefing Paper # 3: Annex VII Expansion? – Say 'No' to Attempts to Undo the Basel Ban
BAN Briefing Paper # 4: The Basel Ban Amendment: Entry Into Force = Now!
BAN Briefing Paper # 5: UN Failure: IMO Ship Scrap Treaty Legalizes Toxic Ship Dumping
BAN Briefing Paper # 6: Package Deal: Four Treaties to Fight Pollution
BAN Briefing Paper # 7: Hazardous Waste Recycling: No Justification for Toxic Trade
BAN Briefing Paper # 8: Running From Basel: How the Convention is Deliberately Undermined
BAN Briefing Paper # 9: The 3R Initiative: A Mask for Toxic Trade?
BAN Briefing Paper # 10: Preventing the Digital Dump: Ending "Re-use Abuse"
BAN Briefing Paper # 11: Building Toxic Waste Colonies: Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreement
Opening the Policy Window for Paradigm Shifts: Katrina as a Focusing Event
An Ecological Economic Assessment of King County's Flood Hazard Management Plan
Lessons of Katrina are being Ignored - New Scientist Article
JPEPA as a Step in Japan's Greater Plan to Liberalize Hazardous Waste Trade in Asia
Untold Value: Nature's Services in Washington State
Smart Development: An Analysis of 10 Common Myths About Development
Mobile Toxic Waste: Recent Findings on the Toxicity of End-of-Life Cell Phones
CRT Glass Recycling Survey Results
Mercury Migration: Deadly Pathways to Developing and Indigenous Communities
Key Findings from Taizhou Field Investigation, by BAN and Greenpeace China