Welcoming New Staff to the Earth Economics Team 

We’re pleased to introduce two new team members, Carson Risner and Glen Delaney, and to welcome back Jessica Hanson!

Carson Risner

Carson has just finished his Master of Science in Cultural and Environmental Resource Management at Central Washington University and joins us as a Research Analyst. He has already gotten started on a variety of projects, two of which include working with Freshwater Trust to create a cost workbook and partnering with The Nature Conservancy to identify potential areas for kelp restoration in California.  

His original interest in environmental economics stems from an environmental science course he took during his undergraduate career. In this course, Carson saw how economics can support the business case for nature and help protect environmental resources. Because many of the important benefits of nature are not accounted for, Carson wants to highlight the significance of these values, like nature’s cultural services.  

Carson has many fond memories of nature, with favorites often incorporating the beach. He spent his whole life on an island, so many of his family activities centered around the ocean, whether swimming, crabbing, fishing, or barbequing. There, his grandfather taught him about the ocean’s natural processes and the importance of sustainable practices that help to maintain healthy ecosystems and the ocean he so deeply appreciates.  


Glen Delaney

We are also excited to welcome Glen Delaney as our newest Project Director to lead our Sustainable Investing and Finance focus area. Glen previously worked as a commercial officer at the British Consulate in San Francisco, where he helped British companies in the US and supported US companies as they explored the UK market.  

Glen’s work with the British Consulate ultimately led him to Earth Economics. During his time with the British Consulate, he was fortunate enough to get involved in the UK’s activity surrounding COP26. Glen saw how quantifying nature-based capital could incentivize the private sector to responsibly steward the planet. Seeking to continue this work, he resonated with Earth Economics’ mission and was eager to get involved with the wide range of themes and ecosystems we cover.     

Glen enjoys interacting with nature and often spent days off in the Bay Area hiking to the top of Mount Tam before sunrise. He would finish his descent right in time for lunch on the beach with local bread and cheese. Now based in Ohio, Glen misses Mount Tam but looks forward to exploring all the beautiful national parks in his area.   

Jessica Hanson

Jessica brings a background in communications and international education. She first worked for Earth Economics as a Communications Specialist from 2015 to 2017 and rejoins our team after a stint back in international education, where she supported US-based students in pursuing educational opportunities all across the globe. Insatiably curious about the world around her, Jessica loves using her way with words to build connections between people, cultures, and nature.  

At Earth Economics, she is thrilled to help launch the application process for the Ingrid Rasch Legacy Fund award, a new opportunity that provides one non-profit or community-based organization each year with pro bono technical assistance to advance local solutions to environmental injustice, climate hazards, and the threats of displacement. Jessica is passionate about supporting community-based projects, especially those that serve the communities most in need.  

Born and raised in Oregon, Jessica is captivated by the Northwest’s natural beauty, especially the wild and rugged stretches of coastline along the Oregon Coast. In her free time, you’ll often find her exploring the outdoors or engaging in creative pursuits, especially music.