Group 1
5% reduction in effective impervious cover in each HUC10 sub-basin, supported by GI master planning within five years and reductions achieved by 2050.
Group 2
Increase tree canopy in environmental justice neighborhoods by 5% yearly
(Greening the Gateway Cities)
Williamanset (current)
Center Chicopee – future target area in low canopy zones
Chicopee Falls – future target area in low canopy zones
Leverage opportunities presented by existing or new projects through inter-departmental coordination and tracking and forecasting
Hire Strategic Planning Guru, i.e. each department takes turn assuming role once yearly
Identify local champsion/stewards to steward GI projects at the micro scale / incentive with tax rebates, citizen awards, toolkit for task (golden broom)
Group 3
Every full reconstruction roadway project must have GI improvements either on site or off site
51% of MPO to up standards for GI in MassDOT projects
Goal for GI implementation is for more effective design – use offsite mitigation
Group 4
Require LID/GI on all city projects to maximum extent possible
Develop model neighborhood projects that can be scaled up by 2025 for larger city-wide implementation
Implement GI in master plan for downtown
Group 5
Create a more sustainable city by incorporating GI and LID into new private and public construction
Inform public/businesses/elected officials of benefits
Create program/task force to buy-in to program and set attainable goals that are adequately funded and implemented
Adopt LID/GI site plan and subdivision standards for construction and DPW O&M
Prioritize areas prone to flooding and heat island (tree planting, pocket parks, etc) – plan/report
Report annually on benefits of projects to encourage additional funding. Asses + revise.
Task force created for 2, 10, 20-year goals
Group 6
By 2030, increase tree canopy in urbanized areas for 25%
By 2050, increase GI on public properties by 25%
Introduce GI as part of school curriculum
Create planting plan for future projects
Retrofit properties taken for tax title and repurpose for GI
Plant two trees for every tree taken down
Regulatory Tools + Planning/Policy
More model code/regulations specific to our region developed via working groups of similarly-developed communities
Move forward with adoption of stormwater off-site mitigation option for site development to improve efficiency and effectiveness of stormwater GI measures
Allow off-site stormwater mitigation as part of permit process
Amending local land use regulations to require use or consideration of GI/LID and removal of regulatory barriers
Holistic green infrastructure master planning
Layer all planning activities with a GI lens and share with community in transparent way
Develop off-site mitigation/compliance program for greater flexibility in implementing GI
More aggressive stormwater program (long term)
Explore high performance project review models for the region
Update performance measures in city ordinance to match EPA MS4 regs
Stormwater code review / enhancements requiring GI/LID
Identify specific projects for possible off-site mitigation
Investigate feasibility of implementation of high performance permitting for stormwater projects
Change site plan and subdivision code to require GI which will reduce burden on MS4
Parking space buy-back program
Stop using public policies to subsidize the private automobile; address root causes
Stormwater utility/fees – dedicated funding source
Move forward on MVP grant application
Create stormwater utility to capture non-profits and create equity in fee assessment
Increase project manager awareness of potential for MVP and FEMA HMGP funds for resiliency/GI projects
Create enterprise funding mechanism similar to water/sewer to fund large scale projects
Implement stormwater utility with incentives to install GI/LID to reduce impacts on MS4
Operations + Maintenance
Review retrofits at public facilities
Review/develop maintenance strategies for GI
Expand existing BMP handbook to include more details and examples of best practices
Adopt DPW construction standards and policies to incorporate GI and maintenance procedures
Develop technical / O&M guide for communities to use for in-house guidance and for guiding O&M agreements for private systems
BMP specific templates that support O&M ease
Keep retro O&M simple
Provide standard bioretention design with grass, stone, or other lower maintenance cover (no plants/mulch)
Develop model specs/details for GI practices with low-maintenance features
Establish simple O&M plans for GI
Provide BMP maintenance training for public works staff
Making the Case for GI, GI Inventory, Education, and Other
Develop a regional dataset for identifying locations where environmental/public health co-benefits of GI are key to a resilient future
Add holistic valuation and co-benefits into alternatives analysis more consistently
Tell the story of co-benefits to the community
GI watershed master planning that includes valuation of co-benefits
Build capacity in PVPC on using economic valuation tools, then provide that as a service to our constituent communities
Host regional training for municipal practitioners on using economic valuation tools for making the case for GI
Identify target areas – master plan for intervention
Find best decision-support tools and help/facilitate use of them
Inter-departmental support for GI in all new projects
Public outreach (taxpayer engagement)
Increased resident education
Employ stormwater specialist (long term)
Creating GI backlog for upstream stormwater enhancements
Fine scale mapping of floodplains in each community; FIRM maps are not always accurate
Inventory town-owned vs privately owned BMPs – location, type, condition
Develop asset management plan to prioritize
Hire enough staff
More trash receptacles with signs near systems to keep trash out and create a sign equivalent to the no dumping sewer “fish” notice near drains
Specific Projects
Infiltration at next CSO construction project
Permeable pavement city hall parking lot and rain garden (Chicopee)
Add compliant surface for our new dog park
City/neighborhood partnerships to develop and maintain rain gardens
Permeable pavement for bike paths along rivers (Chicopee)
Decreased width on residential roads (long term)
Install bioretention areas alongside walks with pretx structure
Try porous pavement on residential streets near CT river
City to buy vac-truck
Install several rain garden / GI / LID projects as pilot programs. Implement O&M plan. Assess results.
Identify retrofit locations
Implement rain garden outside of Chicopee City Hall
Photo Gallery from September 2019 Workshop
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